Monthly Update
December 2021

A Message from the Former Honorary Colonel

Major-General (Retired) Walter Holmes MStJ, MSM, CD, MBE 

This is the speech that I was prepared to deliver during the Regiment’s Remembrance Sunday ceremony on the 7th of November. I was only able to deliver a few words of thanks at the time due to the circumstances, so I thought it would be appropriate to add these few words to this month’s edition of The Rifles Report. During the ceremony, I was presented with the fourth bar to my CD and was subsequently honoured by a final march past, bringing to an end my five years as your Honorary Colonel and 56 years in an army uniform. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen: A fourth bar to my CD, that more than likely means I have more time in uniform than anyone on parade today has been alive. Another interpretation could be that I am demonstrating just how old I am with the receipt of this award.

Seriously, I am very honoured to receive the fourth bar to my Canadian Forces decoration especially in front of our sacred Cross of Sacrifice here at St. Paul’s, and with troops of the Regiment on parade as witnesses, you all look splendid, as soldiers of the Queen’s Own Rifles always do.

The Cross of Sacrifice has been a sacred and important place for generations of members of the regimental family to pause, reflect, pay respects and honour those who have gone before. Today, on Remembrance Sunday, we should all consider how fortunate we are, and give thanks to those who gave their lives and futures so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we do today. Cherish and be prepared to defend your freedom as it is a fragile thing that could easily slip away.

To the soldiers on parade, I offer a few words of advice based on my now 56 years in uniform; stick with it, you too could be awarded a fourth bar to your CD some day.

Keep yourselves physically and mentally fit, to do otherwise may cost you your life, or the lives of your mates when in combat.

Master your craft. Field craft, musketry, airborne and other skills have to be mastered and once mastered sustained. Don’t let the side down by letting your skill sets slip.

Study military history, learn from those who have gone before, study both good and bad lessons.

Leaders must lead with compassion and respect and always have the best interest of their soldiers at heart. This is not as easy at it seems.

Lastly be proud of yourselves and your Regiment, you are making a contribution to the security of our nation and nothing could be more honourable.

I could go on, there is nothing new in what I am saying, however, a gentle reminder from an old soldier isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Lana and I have enjoyed our time with the Regiment immensely, so much so that we will continue to support and participate regimentally as we are able to. The Regiment is very well led and supported, and I anticipate nothing but good things for the Regiment in the years ahead. 

To family and friends who have joined us today, thank you for coming. Lana and I appreciate you being here to support us as we end this chapter of our lives while wondering what’s next. Well, maybe not! 

Thank you to St Paul’s for facilitating the events here today as you do each Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day. We are fortunate to have such a fine Regimental church and your support to the Regiment is very much appreciated.

I salute you all and wish you a future of good soldiering.”

In Pace Paratus,

Walter Holmes
Major-General (Retired)
Former Honorary Colonel

Commanding Officer's Update

November has been exceptionally busy for The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada.  We started the month with our Remembrance Day events on November 7th and 11th at the Cross of Sacrifice at St Paul's.  The following weekend, the Regiment held a First-Aid course at Moss Park Armoury.  This was followed by Exercise Maroon Sword 3, during which Riflemen practiced both Hasty and Deliberate Platoon attacks. The past weekend, we held Exercise Quick Rig in CFB Trenton in which our Paratroopers completed two parachute descents from a CC-130J Hercules from 426 Squadron.  In between the training, we conducted our annual Merit Board. 

The QOR of C gained 4 more Paratroopers this month as Rfn Mahoney, Rfn Teper, Rfn Young, and Cpl Martin completed their Basic Parachutist Course at the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre (CAAWC).

The Unit will take a break in December following our Annual Dinner, in which we will recognize the amazing work of our members.  We will also hold a virtual Chidren’s Christmas Party, after a special meeting with Santa on the Drop Zone.  Gifts will be distributed in the coming week.

 A friendly reminder that the opportunity to become a Founding Member will end on December 31st, 2021; to learn more on becoming a Founder, please visit Donations to our Trust Fund through the 1860 Club support events such as the Children’s Christmas Party.

Finally, please find enclosed the 2020/2021 Rifleman Magazine. I would like to thank the Regimental Secretary and Editor LCol (Ret’d) John Fotheringham, CD and all those that took time to contribute with articles and pictures.

In Pace Paratus

Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Moody, CD
Commanding Officer

 Fundraising Appeal for the Kaminski Family

Former Rifleman Alex Kaminski, who recently left the QOR to serve in the Regular Force at Petawawa, is in need. His 8-month-old son, Jaxson, has been hospitalized with meningitis and non-cancerous tumours at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa. The QOR Junior Ranks’ Mess recently launched a fundraising campaign to support his family’s needs associated with the trips to Ottawa. If you would like to join the 1860 Club in making a contribution to the Kaminski’s family, you may do so through this link.

Petition for the Award of the Victoria Cross

Private Jess Randall Larochelle

On 14 Oct 06, Pte Jess Larochelle regained consciousness alone in his OP in the Panjwai District of Afghanistan. Seriously wounded and with his C6 out of action, Larochelle fought off an assault from more than 20 Taliban fighters using 15 M72s, saving the lives of the surviving members of his section. For this action, he was awarded the Star of Military Valour. However, many believe that Pte Larochelle’s courage and valour in the face of the enemy qualify him for the award of the Canadian Victoria Cross. A petition is currently being circulated to this support the efforts. Information of Pte Larochelle’s action can be found here and here.

The QOR Association

Association Membership 

2022 is coming and it is time to call for Membership Dues to the QOR Association.  Dues to join or renew your membership can be sent by cheque or money order, as in the past, but now you can also pay electronically.

By cheque or money order, send your $25 Dues to:

The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Association (Toronto Branch)
1235 Trafalgar Road
P.O. Box 84024
Oakville, Ontario, L6H 3J0 

To pay by e-transfer, send your dues to

Your membership for 2022 will be renewed when we receive $25, which is due on January 31st, 2022. We appreciate your support, and by renewing your membership, you will help us in carrying out our role in the Regimental family (such as donations to the families of members who have passed away, or gift packages to members that are serving overseas).

By sending your dues, you are continuing a 106-year tradition of service to The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Association. Your 2020/21 membership card will be good for 2022. Also, once you have paid your membership you will receive a confirmation from the Membership Chairperson.

If you know of a former member or anyone that would be interested in becoming a member, please don’t hesitate ro contact us. And, if you have let your membership lapse, please use this opportunity to rejoin the QOR Toronto Association, and become part of the QOR Regimental family!

Again, thank you for renewing your membership. It is our goal to make sure our Association remains one of the most active military associations in Canada.  If you are not yet a member of QORA, you can join by sending the same amount, but also include your name, address, email and indicate your association with the Regiment.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to our Membership Chairperson, Ann Ward, at

Also, for Association members: I encourage you to join the 1860 Club. It’s free, and comes with access to the monthly newsletter and more.

Health & Welfare Report—QORA (Toronto Branch)

Members at Sunnybrook Health & Sciences Centre
Major (Ret'd) David Vine - "L" Wing 2nd Floor - Room L2 - 40 LSSE
Sergeant (Ret'd) Andy MacNaughton - "L" Wing - 3rd Floor LTSE L341 

In Hospital
WWII D-Day Veteran - Alex Adair (98 years old) - Cobourg, Ontario.
WWII Veteran - George Beardshaw (98 years old) - London, Ontario. 

At Home
CWO (ret'd) Brian Budden - Recovering from Total Hip Replacement
Ron Craig - Recovering at Home 

Brian Budden
Health & Welfare Chairman
QORA (Toronto Branch)

In Pace Paratus
Rifleman Strong!

QOR of C Kit Shop 

If you are interested in purchasing QOR of C merchandise, you may do so via our online Kit Shop. We now have the ability to accept payment online. This month, we are pleased to offer a custom-made wall plaque featuring our cap badge.

Please visit the QOR Kit Shop here.

The museum is open, and regular volunteer nights have resumed. Please visit our website at for more information, as well as our YouTube page!

If you have potential items for our Museum and Archive collection, please read this page and complete the online form, or contact us at

Trust Fund and Fundraising Update 

Since the launch of the 1860 Club, our members have donated over $100,000 to support The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund.  We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generosity, and recognize the following members:

Normandy 1944 Donors
Over $186,000 in lifetime contributions 

HLCol Lionel Goffart, OStJ, CD 
Col Paul F Hughes, CD (Ret’d)

Vimy 1917 Donors
Over $18,600 in lifetime contributions

Capt (Ret’d) Bernie Aaron
HLCol (Ret'd) Brendan Caldwell
Lt J. Chris Donald
Mr. Bryan Gransden
Capt (Ret'd) Adam Hermant, OStJ, CD
Hermant Family Foundation
HCol Larry Stevenson, CD
LCol (Ret’d) John Strathy, CD
WO (Ret’d) Philip ten Kortenaar, CD
True Patriot Love Foundation

1860 Club Founders 

Col (Ret’d) William Ball—US Army
LCol (Ret’d) William Barnard, CD
LCol Sandi Banerjee, CD
Mr. Hans G. Bathija
Bruce Beauchamp Memorial Fund and Mr. Terry Beauchamp
Hon Col Bryan Brulotte, KJ, CD
Cpl Brian Buchan
2Lt Martin Bunch
LCol (Ret’d) Greg Burton, CD
HLCol (Ret'd) Brendan Caldwell
Maj (Ret’d) Allan Champion, CD
Capt (Ret’d) Robert Chan, CD and Ms. Annie Li
Ms. Linda Di Felice
Lt J. Chris Donald
WO (Ret’d) Bob Dunk, CD
Lt Brandon Filatow
LCol (Ret’d) John Fotheringham, CD
2Lt Juron Grant-Kinnear
MCpl Robert Grieve
Cpl Lee Harrison, CD
Capt (Ret'd) Adam Hermant, OStJ, CD
Hermant Family Foundation
WO David Hodgson, CD
MGen (Ret’d) Walter Holmes, MStJ, MSM, CD, MBE
Ms. Lana Holmes
Col (Ret’d) Paul F Hughes CD
Jackman Foundation
CWO Jeff Johnson, CD
CWO (Ret’d) Shaun Kelly, CD
LCol Frank Lamie, CD
MWO Darnel Leader, CD
Maj Samuel Leibel, CD
Capt Ben-Jaemin Lee, CD
Capt Roland Llewellyn-Thomas, CD
Mr. James Lutz
Capt (Ret'd) Brian MacDonald
Maj Henry McCabe, MMM, CD (Ret’d)
Ms. Michele McCarthy
Ms. Jenna Zuschlag Misener
Lt David Merrithew
Mr. Nick Migliore
LCol Scott Moody, CD
CWO (Ret’d)John O’Connor, CD
Mr. Carmine Nigro
Capt David Pampe, CD
Dr. Dylan Pannell, CD
Lt Marco Petta
Cpl Sharl Robinson
Maj (Ret’d) Anthony Schultz, CD
CWO Mark Shannon, MMM, CD
MGen (Ret’d) John Sharpe, CMM, CD
Capt Kevin Sheedy, CD
Maj (Ret’d) John Stephens, CD
Mr. Tristan Strathy
WO (Ret’d) Philip ten Kortenaar, CD
Dr. Lynn Tomkins
Capt (Ret'd) Usman (Uzi) Valiante
Mr. Jeffrey Wallace
LCol (Ret'd) Tony Welsh, CD
LCol (Ret'd) Rob Zeidler, MStJ, CD

Please click here to find out how to become a Founder. For more information on supporting the Trust Fund, please click here.

For any additional questions, please contact us.

Online Links

The QOR of C Regimental Association 
More information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Branches can be found at:

Toronto Branch 
East Coast Branch
Calgary Branch 
Vancouver Island Branch

The Rifleman Magazine (Annual Journal of the QOR of C)
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Website

Kit Shop


To submit comments or content to the Rifles Report or The Powder Horn, please contact Martin Bunch, 1860 Club Communications Director at


